Scott Poynton: Impact Entrepreneur
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3 decades and counting at the forefront of change

In 1999, I founded the Tropical Forest Trust. So continued my journey, inspired by Richard St barbe baker, “the man of the trees” in May 1979, and begun in the Middle Hills of Nepal in 1984, to make the world a better place.

I live to bring change. I abhor the status quo, believing we can always do better.

Since I graduated from the Australian National University with a Bachelor of Science (Forestry) degree in 1987, I’ve been working to bring change to every situation I encounter. It’s been a long, often difficult, but uplifting journey. I do it because I see so much pain and suffering in the world and believe that I can play a role, doing what I can while inspiring others to do what they can, to ease that suffering for all souls here on beautiful planet Earth.

My goal here is to share stories - in blogs, podcasts and videos - about the things I’ve done and continue to do to bring change and to profile the work that others are doing too.

My hope is that this sharing will help you to travel your own path to bring change where you are.

I now lead two social enterprises - a different way community and Pond Foundation - and continue to push myself and support others to make the world a better place.

Latest Blogs


The Scott Poynton Podcast

I interview really interesting people who do really interesting things to make the world a better place. Sometimes, I share my own reflections on things I’m doing or seeing in the world. I explore a wide range of topics on life, a different way, how to get to cooperation and the concept and practice of sustainability. I share insights and experience from my work pioneering paths to cooperation while mediating conflicts between some of the world’s largest businesses and NGOs that led to unprecedented changes in the way we interact with each other and the planet. Here are the latest episodes and below are links to services where you can listen in while on the go.



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Cooperation is the precursor to change and creating the conditions for cooperation to emerge has been my life’s work.